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FlytrapCare Forum periodic photo contests

Moderator: Matt

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By Panman
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This month we celebrate those loveable mutts of the plant world known as hybrids. You can share photos of any carnivorous plant, as long as it is one species or variety crossed with a different species or variety. With the myriad of hybrids and crosses out there, picking one to share is going to be a challenge.

Here are the rules:
1. You can share only pictures you took personally.
2. You can submit only 1 photo for this contest.
3. Pictures shared in previous contests are not eligible.
4. Minimally edited photos only. No effects, or filters. Cropping is okay.
5. The winner will be the entry with the highest number of thumbs up (likes) votes.
6. Only votes from members with at least 5 posts will count.
7. This contest is open internationally, although there will be an alternate prize for international winners.

It seems only fitting that the prize this month be a cross. This month's prize, @Matt and Leah with The Flytrap Store is a Sarracenia leucophylla x oreophila. The prize will be shipped bareroot unless the winner chooses to pay extra postage for a potted plant.

From the Flytrap Store website:
We have nicknamed this particular hybrid "pot buster" because it grows so vigorously and large that it often breaks through its pot before we can get it repotted! S. leucophylla x oreophila is a giant pitcher plant by any measure. It develops huge, wide-mouth pitchers up to 3-inches across that start off with just a bit of white windowing from the leucophylla genetics, and then, as the pitchers age, they develop a nice purple coloration in the back of the throat. Pitchers get up over 30-inches in height too! It is simply a gorgeous and super vigorous giant Sarracenia!!
So snap some photos of your awesome crossbreeds and show us what you've got!
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By Bluefire
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Nepenthes bokorensis x veitchii 'Candy Dreams', the little showoff it is. The dragon in the lower left is being used as my signature for this.
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By Panman
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VFTnPups wrote:Is D. Filiformis Tracyi a hybrid?
Sorry, tracyii is not a hybrid. There is some discussion as to whether it is a species or subspecies, but it isn't a hybrid.
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By Camden
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Bluefire wrote: Tue Aug 02, 2022 2:17 pm Nepenthes bokorensis x veitchii 'Candy Dreams', the little showoff it is. The dragon in the lower left is being used as my signature for this.
That thing is gonna look absolutely gorgeous when it gets bigger (not that it doesn’t already).
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By ChefDean
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One of my first Sarrs. S. ("Firespirit" x "Redman") x "Ares".
Please disregard the photo bombing flava in the background, he's just being silly.
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By Hendre
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Here is a nice one, Drosera x corinthiaca aka a natural hybrid Drosera glabripes and Drosera aliciae seen in Hermanus, South Africa by yours truly.
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By thepitchergrower
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Someone got caught while crossing the lines (quite literally):

Drosera x californica 'FL giant' (white tentacles)
Drosera x californica 'Dreamsicle' (red tentacles)

Couldn't have been in a worse predicament.
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By Panman
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Dan V wrote: Wed Aug 03, 2022 6:11 pm Fine Tooth x Red
Nice! Can you share a picture of the whole plant? I want to see what it looks like.

Received. Thanks!

They arrived! thank you! :D

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