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By Intheswamp
Posts:  3497
Joined:  Wed May 04, 2022 2:28 pm
The Foxtail Bog Clubmoss, Lycopodiella alopecuroides. This moss seems to follow along the ground and pegging down roots when rests on the soil. This is not a true moss in that it is a vascular plant and pegs down roots. Though, it creates spores. The spores are covered with a waxy substance and are highly flammable, being used as flash powder for photography and for theatrical effects in the "old days". The spores form on an upright growth that is pretty cool-looking, itself, much like the prostrate growth....but vertical, with the individual leaves more balanced around the stem. :)

Mixed in with the Foxtail Moss are a few D. capillaris and local grasses. I posted the close-up shot to show that the interaction of the blade of grass and the capi did not end well for the blade of grass...I it interesting. You can see another blade of grass growing from the same grass cluster in the background that is nice and healthy. So, was the capi digesting nutrients from the blade of grass??? Or, was it just a reaction of the grass to the enzymes of the capi and the capi did not benefit from it? Just a curiosity. ;)

Anyhow, for those wanting to see something a little different....Foxtail Bog Clubmoss!!! :mrgreen:
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By Panman
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I added some club moss to one of my bogs this year. I like the way it looks. It seems to spread pretty quickly so we will see if I end up having to pull it out.
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By Intheswamp
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Panman, I had another piece in a bucket, that, well, I procrastinated about...throwing some water in the bucket all along, letting whatever grew...grow. That piece I would say has easily doubled in size in probably 4-5 months. I don't think its growth will be overwhelming, but I could be wrong. It the wild it grows several inches long, finds a spot of bare ground and seems to *usually* peg down roots. If it doesn't find contact with the ground it just keeps growing long. I think I've got some pictures somewhere of it growing "in situ". It can grow rather tall, when it sends it's flowers(?) up...I've seen some over a foot tall!!! Cool plants.
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By Intheswamp
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Oh well, I thought I had more photos than this of the Foxtail in situ, but apparently not... :|
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By Anzenix
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Oh snap, this is interesting.. I don't need another thing to collect lol I must.. avert.. my eyes.. :arrow:
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By DragonsEye
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Cute! From what I understand they’re actually more closely related to ferns than they are to mosses.
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They arrived! thank you! :D

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