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By andynorth
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Man, What a chore this is. I never realized there was so much to do when getting everything ready for spring. I have roughly 75% completed. Here's the thing, when I started putting my plants in to my garage I had roughly 30 plants to go out to the garage. They all fit on a 3 shelf rack. I now have 130 plants and 4 ea. 3 shelf racks!!!! I know there are folks out there with way more than I have but I picked up over 100 plants from November through February. The 130 does not include all that I have in my greenhouse and 2 grow tents. I believe there are 40 to 50 more plants there and then several hundred seedlings. Cleaning them all of the dead stems, etc. is a real chore. Fortunately for next season I have a couple pools they will be in so I will not have to hassle with the whole garage experience. I am hoping to have a large outdoor greenhouse up but in case I do not the pools will be a good alternative. Pics are of what I have done thus far. Kitchen tabled ones are what I did today and the picnic tabled ones were last weekend. I will take more pics when they are all in the pools. As of this posting, I have not lost any plants to bugs, root rot or any fungal diseases. (Knock on wood).
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By Intheswamp
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I don't have near the number of plants that you do and I'm way further behind than you!!!! I can't see the images (my slow internet) but I'm sure it's an impressive sight!!! :D
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By Hedonista
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Andy, you are going to have such a nice batch of plants this year!! And all the plants of yours I’ve seen in photos look great! Hope you are able to find a good balance between accomplishing and enjoying. :)
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By DragonsEye
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Haven’t even started pulling mine. I won’t until the end of this month or sometime next month, depending how the weather shapes up.
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By andynorth
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DragonsEye wrote: Sun Apr 07, 2024 2:26 am Haven’t even started pulling mine. I won’t until the end of this month or sometime next month, depending how the weather shapes up.
I checked with Sarracenia Northwest since their weather is similar to ours here and they told me to pull mine back in March but I decided to wait just a bit longer, just in case.
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By ChefDean
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Mine have been out for a while, I'm even selfing some already.
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By andynorth
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Nice. So no worries about squirrels or birds? I have some shelves I could put mine on but I need to cage them in. Squirrels took out some of my really nice Sarrs last year. Not sure why they thought it was necessary to chew on the rhizome's after digging them up but they decimated several.
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By ChefDean
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No problems with birds once I switched to peat/perlite, but I get the occasional toad in the fall that burrows to hibernate. I gotta relocate those because I don't want them in the garage.
My two wireless doorbells (yapping little turds that identify as dogs) are outside enough to keep squirrels away. The bunnies that use my yard as a highway leave the plants alone.
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By Intheswamp
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Just consider the toads as survival food...."dried toad", so how many ways can you cook them, Chef? Or, should a person simply grind them up and use them as a spice? And, while your sprinkling Mr. Toad on your culinary delight you can be reciting a "Toad Ode"... :mrgreen:
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By Panman
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I've already gone through 90 gallons of peat/perlite, and probably have another 10 to go. This is what happens when you don't repot for a couple of years.
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By Hedonista
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Panman wrote: Mon Apr 08, 2024 2:44 pm I've already gone through 90 gallons of peat/perlite, and probably have another 10 to go. This is what happens when you don't repot for a couple of years.
I’m trying to visualize the scale of your CP setup. :shock: I’m curious, about how much space do your CPs take up?
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By Panman
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Intheswamp wrote: Tue Apr 09, 2024 12:17 am He's only got three plants but likes big pots.
Hedonista wrote:I’m trying to visualize the scale of your CP setup. I’m curious, about how much space do your CPs take up?
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