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By afh928
Posts:  981
Joined:  Wed Apr 29, 2009 1:13 am
Well guys, it has been QUITE a month for me! I got my first CP (a typical VFT from Home Depot) on April 28th and i joined the same evening. Something happened that day, lol, from the looks of the pics you're about to see something BIG happened that day. I fell in love with growing carnivorous plants. I also have spent an insane amount of time learning as much as possible over this past month so i could elevate my knowledge to a MUCH higher level than my experience should allow, lol. I have also expanded the living heck out of my collection (huge thanks to Nealfor for hooking me up with pullings, plants, and some close to home advice, and to Steve-O for the seeds!), and i am VERY proud to have these new and improved pics of my "brood" to share with you guys!!! Thanks for all YOUR help too, without this site i would probably have one sad little pot of shriveled typicals, lol. That means EVERYONE here on the forum, especially anyone who has helped me get to this point...ENJOY! (I just trimmed some black off my VFTs but there is still some there, i didnt want to disturb them anymore until the rest was completely black. Warts and all, lol!)

This is a Lowes rescue D. adelae i am attempting to grow outside!
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These are my absolutely gorgeous D. Filiformis.
Copy of 6.7.2009filiformis.jpg
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This is my "golden child", it was a VERY young D. Binata that i accidentally ripped ALL the roots from...everything you see is NEW you can see it recovered just fine!
6.7.2009binata.jpg (31.78 KiB) Viewed 3766 times
These pots have D. Capensis seeds that will hopefully be sprouting soon! The small bits of sand are to try to keep some algae from coming back while still allowing the seeds some breathing room.
6.7.2009dcapensis.jpg (53.15 KiB) Viewed 3766 times
These will be home to the VFT seedlings once they germinate and grow a little!
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This is my 1st pitcher plant, a S. Purpurea of some kind..notice the new pitcher shooting up!
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S. Leucophylla and S. Rubra
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And the one who started it all, lol...This was once my 1st VFT, then turned into 2, and then created a monster
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Here is my whole setup, everything gets FULL SUN ALL DAY, literally until the sun goes down. This spot basically faces S/SW and will be where i place my portable greenhouse for winter. Everything except the D. Adelae and D. Capensis (if they germinate) will be OUTSIDE ALL YEAR! I use distilled water which i alternate top/bottom watering. I have everything topped with a layer of horicultural sand to keep algae at bay and pretty everything up. Anything that needs indirect light is under my homemade shade cloths made from cut up white t-shirts. The 3 little pots you see on the left are the D. Intermedia seeds i am germinating, and the containers in back are my germination chambers for my VFT seeds. Hopefully they take off too! A mere month ago this was 1 4" pot with a Typical VFT inside, lol. As far as expanding from here, it is ALL about some more variety of VFTs. I am hoping to come across some Bohemian Garnets sometime, and i may order a few from Steve to calm the beast until my seeds start growing.

So there you have it, my brood! I am really proud of my collection, and of everything i have learned about these wonderful plants over this relatively short time, and i am glad to have these pics to share wth you guys! Hope ya dig it!
6.7.2009brood.jpg (49.48 KiB) Viewed 3766 times
Ps~My fiancee is an awesome photographer, i'll get better i promise, lol!

By Budukai
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:lol: look at you, your deck looks like how mine is now, riddled with life, all in a few months.
By afh928
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indeed man, and i fear it may only get worse from here lol. :mrgreen:
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ahhh.. sunlight.. I remember what that looks like..
unfortunatly we already had our 7 days of sunlight this year..
By afh928
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yeah, the UK isn't exactly notorious for it's sunny days, lol. :mrgreen:
By afh928
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Joined:  Wed Apr 29, 2009 1:13 am
no problem man, i am glad to do it! Yeah, it really has been quite a month. I REALLY can't wait for my VFT seeds to germinate so i can get my VFT population up! In the meantime, i have GOT to find someone to share the wealth and hook me up with a Bohemian Garnet division, pulling, plant, flower stalk..i dont care, i just want one CRAZY bad. I'll pay top freakin' dollar if i have to!

I've really just kind of lucked into alot of my plants, Neal lives so close to me and is always willing to share young plants, which is awesome. He always says i shouldn't repay him but he may end up with something on his doorstep one day, lol...i am big about returning favors.

If i can get my seeds (all of them, the VFTs and drosera) to germinate well, and get my hands on some Bohemian Garnet i would probably be pretty much done for a good while. I'd like to get to a point where i have a good foundation of my favorites that i can just sustain through the years, then if something comes along that i really decide i like i can add to my collection. If Steves seeds take off i will have pretty much everything i want as far as VFTS...besides BG.

Can you tell i want Bohemian Garnet, lol?! :D I really gotta have one. The crown jewel of my collection would be a pot with like 5 BG's thriving in it. I can see it now!

Thanks man, glad you dig the collection! As things progress i'll post more, especially once some seedlings burst to life! I have had the blue lid tub going for 9 days, and the red lid tub (Steves seeds) going for 8 as of tomorrow. If everything goes ideally i should have something going near the end of this week. Fingers crossed for quick germination!

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By Matt
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afh928 wrote:Can you tell i want Bohemian Garnet, lol?! :D
Yep, me too. That's the main reason that I went in on the group order with Best Carnivorous Plants.
afh928 wrote:The crown jewel of my collection would be a pot with like 5 BG's thriving in it. I can see it now!
Well, I think you won't have to wait too much longer because David Conner has them going in tissue culture. He may have some available later this year or next year.

I look forward to the updates!
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Quick Germination, Maybe, Quick Growers... Nope :D lol
had mine a good 3 months or so now.. they are still Tiny :D
someone told me its about 2-3 years for the "big" growth.
By Adam
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Nice setup! I too have a south facing deck.
By afh928
Posts:  981
Joined:  Wed Apr 29, 2009 1:13 am
It is wonderful man, they just soak up the sun until it goes down! Glad ya dig the setup, i think its pretty nice! :D
By afh928
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Wait 'til you guys see the NEW brood!!! :mrgreen:

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