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By Jade
Posts:  101
Joined:  Mon Feb 05, 2024 6:57 pm
So I was thinking about asking for seeds…again. But I hadn’t ever read through the whole seed bank thread. So I did. What is an SASE was a link.

The link sent me to another site/forum/I’m not sure I’m pretty sure y’all are putting me through some elaborate ruse so you can laugh at me when I post this.

So the new forum/site/foresight? is like closed to the public or whatever, so I registered for the forum. And that would be fine except they’re totally in on it. 0.o

There’s a little message saying that the admin will email me if they think I’d be ok or something. Which fine, a lot of forums are private and maybe y’all didn’t know it was when you sent me there… actually now that I think about it Google has to be in on it too because they said an SASE is some sort of electronic cloud service or something.

So anyway, there’s a message below that message about sending an email if they think I’m cool that says they saw that I clicked on the link in the email but I haven’t messaged them to confirm I’m not a spammer, so I should go do that. But there’s no email.

So I started to read the forum rules (oh hey I just answered myself, it’s at least partly a forum), and I was reading through the first set of rules when I thought to myself “Now hang on, why am I checking out rules on a forum I may never see because I might be a spammer”, and then I checked my email again. A few times.

Oh but I just realized it may have gone to spam which now that I’m thinking about it would be hilariously ironic. Like because I’m supposed to be the maybe spammer? Oh shoot, I just explained the joke. Made it not funny. Was it funny before? Oh you wouldn’t know, you read it already.

So whilst I check out my spam folder, I’m just thinking I should check and see if this is a very elaborate put on.

Or maybe y’all are spammers, and that’s what an SASE really is.

Thank you for attending my flow of consciousness talk about it. The SASE. Not about my consciousness I mean. Ok bye.

ETA - oh but if someone could actually explain what an SASE is if it’s not a joke, I’d be very interested. Thanks.

ETA2 - not in the spam folder. That would have been so much funnier.
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By Hedonista
Posts:  202
Joined:  Fri Jan 05, 2024 2:21 pm
:lol: :lol: :lol: SASE is a self-addressed stamped envelope. You address and stamp two envelopes - one to yourself, and one to the seed bank. Then you fold the envelope to yourself (I like to do thirds - hamburger-ways, if you get my drift), and you seal it inside the other envelope and mail it to the seed bank. Chef will put your seed order in the envelope you mailed with your address and send them to you.
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By ChefDean
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That link takes you to page that explains what a SASE is. It's easier that way, and I'm too lazy to type it all out. I guarantee that there's no conspiracy, the voices in your head are wrong, but it's possible Andrew (the owner of upped his security a bit as he's been hit harder by spammers.
Here's a pic of where the link takes you
Screenshot_20240428_193409_Samsung Internet.jpg
Screenshot_20240428_193409_Samsung Internet.jpg (158.25 KiB) Viewed 431 times
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By Jade
Posts:  101
Joined:  Mon Feb 05, 2024 6:57 pm
Oh gee I have another question. Sorry for stinkin up Chat, but I wasn’t sure if I should post on the Bank forum because I didn’t want my silly post accidentally having someone else’s post not get seen somehow. What’s the +Bulk?

I feel extra special about not realizing what SASE is since I was invented a couple decades before it became more redundant. So I recognize that bulk is also a shipping thing but I don’t really understand in terms of uh seed packets or yenno.

Also yes, I’d say their forum likely got bombarded because it gave me all 3 messages I listed here as soon as I finished registration. I was wondering how the heck they knew I clicked something in my email before I had time to sneeze, but maybe that’s an automated message. Just figured if they remained a bit more vigilant on the cyber security I may not be the only paranoid idget that asked lol.

Also while I’m letting folks know stuff, at least 2 if not more of your stickied sites to shop CP are not accessible anymore.

Gemmae something looks like it has its domain for sale and I believe Connors is gone too. I feel like there was a third but I could be mistaken.

ETA- also the voices in my head are always wrong curse them all!
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By Hedonista
Posts:  202
Joined:  Fri Jan 05, 2024 2:21 pm
+ bulk means that in addition to already-made packets of that particular type of seed, there is an unspecified additional amount in the inventory that hasn’t been divvied up into individual packets.
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