FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Moderator: Matt

By oval
Posts:  472
Joined:  Thu Jul 19, 2018 8:36 pm
The roofers fixed our roof a few months ago and let me have some leftover wood. I guess it was cheaper than coming back and picking it up. What can I build with:

(2) 10-foot 1x6's
(2) 10-foot 2x4's
(1) 8x4 sheet of slightly warped plywood
(1) wood pallet in fairly good condition

Maybe some plant benches? I remember some of you have had some good ideas in the past. I am hoping that, after cutting it, I won't think up a better idea - so I'm looking for ideas first.


I agree with Panman, I use the LFSM from Lowe&rsqu[…]

Dying flytrap

Your flytrap will be fine, as long as it is watere[…]

Nepenthes pictures!

Some of my plants growing in intermediate conditio[…]

Let's start off the June contest with a little Lat[…]

Funny thing, other than creative holiday posts, th[…]

Order received. Your order number is 1703. I'll PM[…]

Greeting from Georgia

Hi Harrison, welcome to the mad house, um, I mean […]

Sphagnum moss for Nepenthes

+1 for this ^^^. I use it exclusively. It is great[…]

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