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Ask questions about how to grow and care for Venus Flytraps

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By evenwind
Posts:  2207
Joined:  Sun Jul 07, 2013 4:16 pm
I grow my plants on a light cart in a family room where the little kiddies often play. So, I’m always looking for pesticides that will be really safe indoors. In the past, I haven’t had much luck when I’ve had a spider mite infection. Sure, they can be killed with isopropyl or smashed with a brick but I wanted something better and preferably systemic. I did some research online and found that Rosemary Oil is supposed to be a great (and safe-for-humans) miticide. Not long after my miticide discovery, I noticed two VFTs with separate spider mite infections (red and two-spot.) (What great luck!) I used two versions of the Rosemary oil products, one a contact spray and the other a systemic water additive.

The spray instructions are to spray three times at three- day intervals (I gave it one extra spraying ‘cause I really hate the little buggers.)

I spoke to the manufacturer (Sierra Natural Science) of the systemic version because their normal instructions have to be modified a for a typical VFT watering technique. Basically, we agreed that since I bottom water every six days, two successive waterings should do the trick.

It’s six weeks later, and at this point, I think that the Rosemary Oil is doing its job - as advertised. I’m seeing no signs of new spider mite damage, nor any of the little buggers themselves. There doesn’t seem to be any chemical-type damage to the plants, at least in this short term.

To be perfectly clear, I’ve only used it on VFTs. I’ve got no idea if it’ll work on or even hurt other CPs. It is an oil, after all.

Oh, by the way, it has only a very slight smell – like pine trees – which quickly dissipates.

The contact spray: ... s/sns-217/

And also: (This is the one I used. It’s a stronger version of sns-217) (Sorry, I had to give a retailer, couldn’t find the manufacturer site):

The systemic: ... s/sns-209/

Hope this helps somebody.

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