FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Discuss or post photos or images of drawings, paintings, sculptures or other art.

Moderator: Matt

My Ginormous pot

How big have they gotten for you? I recently got[…]

Pics of P. Kewensis blooms

Thanks Jeff - I had checked the cpphotofinder. Unf[…]

Weird Venus Flytrap

Ok then, where can I buy the real B52 in EU? […]

Tap water

It also depends on what the solids are in the […]

What's the Difference Between Pygmies?

So I grow a couple of closely related species, ver[…]

Order received. Your order number is 1679. I'll PM[…]

Through other arrangements, order is fulfilled. Go[…]

This week we got a thunderstorm or two,...too. :mr[…]

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