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Places to buy Venus Flytraps and other carnivorous plants.

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By chrisaggie
Posts:  116
Joined:  Tue Aug 02, 2022 8:41 pm
I purchased a gallon bag of Meadowview Biological Research Station's red and purple select sphagnum moss ($40 + shipping) on September 17th and received it today, September 24th, in a medium size priority box. The box and moss came in good condition and packed well. The gallon zip lock was pretty much stuffed full. Some of the moss appears purple/red and some appears green. I cleaned it out as I went through the bag. There was some dead leaves and live hitchhikers in the bag. Hitchhikers included a couple maple seedlings, carex, grasses, and about 7 sarracenia seedlings. I will pot the sarracenia up and grow them indoors this winter and then move them into the outdoor bog next spring. Over all I think this is a good deal for some decent moss. I will try to update next year after the moss and sarracenia havesettled in.
Meadowview moss 1 09242022.jpg
Meadowview moss 1 09242022.jpg (122.78 KiB) Viewed 3305 times
Meadowview moss 2 09242022.jpg
Meadowview moss 2 09242022.jpg (141.63 KiB) Viewed 3305 times
Meadowview moss 3 09242022.jpg
Meadowview moss 3 09242022.jpg (143.97 KiB) Viewed 3305 times
Meadowview moss 4 09242022.jpg
Meadowview moss 4 09242022.jpg (177.88 KiB) Viewed 3305 times
Meadowview moss 5 09242022.jpg
Meadowview moss 5 09242022.jpg (154.07 KiB) Viewed 3305 times
Meadowview moss 6 09242022.jpg
Meadowview moss 6 09242022.jpg (94.28 KiB) Viewed 3305 times
Meadowview moss 7 09242022.jpg
Meadowview moss 7 09242022.jpg (111.53 KiB) Viewed 3305 times
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By Panman
Posts:  6817
Joined:  Wed Mar 04, 2020 8:41 pm
I've found that their red moss is difficult to get good color on a regular basis. Definitely more finicky than green.
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By chrisaggie
Posts:  116
Joined:  Tue Aug 02, 2022 8:41 pm
Here's a photo with the Meadowview sarracenia that came as seedlings in my sphagnum a while back. It's too early to tell what they are, but the one in the front left looks like is anthocyanin free.
MBRS Sarracenia 01212023.jpg
MBRS Sarracenia 01212023.jpg (1.04 MiB) Viewed 2140 times
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