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By cellsmicrobes
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Hi, BCP is opening in a month. I am willing to participate (not host) in a group order. Any 1 planning to order this April?
By riveraXVX
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I don't think I'll be joining a group order for them this year, I was very bummed with the plants we received last year
By riveraXVX
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SundewWolf wrote:I could, depending on the interest level. There's a few things I've thought about buying from them, although I'm worried that rivera mentions the plants were sub-par though...
to explain my position more, the group order I was in last year for our household was slightly delayed getting finalized and sent in (it was a HUGE order/a lot for the people to track properly) - and for example (we got 4 VFT cultivars for ourselves) if a listing said it was for 2-3 2+CM plants instead of that size we would get like 10 nearly microscopic plantlets of the cultivar - in the end we got a nicer volume of plants but unfortunately many of them were sick/half dead and being so small we lost a ton of them. now almost a year later we actually "got our moneys worth" out of what is left if you will. so it all wasn't for bust.

but it felt like they may have ran out of the nicer stock of plants by the point the order was packed and at least for my personal part in the order - we kinda got ...the scraps it was disappointing but in the end not a total ripoff (even if we did lose one of the four cultivars all together)
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By evenwind
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Just for the record, my last experience with BCP almost exactly paralleled rivera's. Those few plantlets that survived are now doing fine but I probably lost 60% of my small order. Honestly, when the listing is for "2-3 1cm plants", a dozen sickly 2mm plantlets isn't a valid substitute. On the other hand, I've heard that many folks did quite well, so maybe it was just the luck of the draw...
By SundewWolf
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My mindset is "if some genetic material from a rare cultivar survives and I can propagate it" still worth it, but yeah that doesn't sound too good. I'd prefer a nice-sized robust plant. Was this mainly an issue with VFT's or also their other CP's? I've been looking at their Heliamphora as well.
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By evenwind
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For me, it was solely BCP's Pings.

(The last time I ordered VFTs for Europe was from "Carnivores and More" and they were beautiful. But, again, it just may be the luck of the draw.)
By zsyxcbibi
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I was happy with the last 2 BCP group orders. The last one was indeed having smaller plants which needed more cares. But most of mine made through the hard adaption.

I will most likely join the group order this year too, if someone hosts it, but still depending on what they will get in stock.

@evenwind yeah, I loved the carnivores and more one too (except the PayPal issue...). Really wish someone could host it again.

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By riveraXVX
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SundewWolf wrote:My mindset is "if some genetic material from a rare cultivar survives and I can propagate it" still worth it, but yeah that doesn't sound too good. I'd prefer a nice-sized robust plant. Was this mainly an issue with VFT's or also their other CP's? I've been looking at their Heliamphora as well.
yeah in the end I'm fine with what we got since I'd say a good bulk probably around 60^ like evenwinds survived also but they did send a LOT of those tiny lil plantlets so it worked out it was just very disappointing to open up expecting a couple tiny divisions but instead get what looked like the lil scraps you'd pick up out of a pile of medium after pulling all the nicer divisions out like "hey look here is a tiny hair of a plant lets toss that in!"

we had exclusively fly traps in our order, I have heard (and Evenwinds said here also) that their pings tend to get beat up also in shipping (which I mean makes sense) we *might* still take part and try again this year but I think passing it up this time.
By yardleyq1987
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For the newbies, can anyone explain this BCP order event? Is there a website to place an order, prices, ect.
By zsyxcbibi
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BCP is open now!

Are we doing this? Do we have a leader?

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By hollyhock
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Copper2 wrote:How do you host it?
The host must have valid level 2 import permit and cites permit issued from USDA. That's the necessary documents. The leader also has to coordinate with BCP. The leader has to combine the orders and convert the currency from euros to dollars. The leader has to collect the payment from each participant. The leader has to follow up on the order. The leader has to sort each order once delivered and figure out shipping charges for each person.. just a few things that leader of a group order will do. :lol:
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