FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Pitcher Plants
Discuss Sarracenia, Heliamphora, Darlingtonia, Cephalotus plant care here
3795 Topics 
31361 Posts
Re: Hungry insects?
by steve booth
Tropical Pitcher Plants
Discuss Nepenthes plant care here
3331 Topics 
24327 Posts
Re: Sphagnum moss for Nepenth…
by MikeB
Sundews, Rainbow Plants, and Dewy Pines
Discuss Drosera, Byblis, and Drosophyllum plant care here
4198 Topics 
32121 Posts
Cape Sundew root cuttings
by Nikson
Discuss Pinguicula care here
917 Topics 
7178 Posts
Re: How do you care for Pingu…
by Nikson
All other Carnivorous Plants/General CP Discussions
Discuss any carnivorous plant that doesn't fit in the above categories here or general chat about carnivorous plants
1356 Topics 
9376 Posts
Re: How do I care for plants …
by bay_area_botanicals
CP identification Forum
Got a carnivorous plant and you don't know what it is? Ask here!
625 Topics 
4229 Posts
Re: N. Miranda, Correct?
by cpgrower126
Care guides and tutorials
Post any care guides or tutorials here.
100 Topics 
768 Posts
Re: I'd rather pierce each on…
by ChefDean

Wolfcub852 requests D. "Hercules" x self[…]

Greeting from Georgia

I think you misspelled that word. It's addiction, […]

Out of stock?

It got hit pretty quickly, and I wasn't sure as to[…]

1699 Request seed

International can request three packs every three […]

calling all cp growers from the Bay Area

I know there are regular BACPS meetings, but I was[…]

Hungry insects?

I would suggest that it has happened to everyone w[…]

Lowii and Villosa for sale

I'm trying to purchase a few other neps on my buck[…]

How do I care for plants during vacation!?

If you put the indoor plants in a humidity dome an[…]

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