FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Where to buy Venus Flytraps and other carnivorous plants, and books and websites about them.
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Carnivorous Plant Suppliers
Places to buy Venus Flytraps and other carnivorous plants.
333 Topics 
2487 Posts
Re: Has anyone bought plants …
by MikeB
Books about Carnivorous Plants
Discuss carnivorous plant books here
34 Topics 
247 Posts
Re: Killer Plants
by PlantMom84
Websites about Carnivorous Plants
Discuss carnivorous plant websites here
46 Topics 
240 Posts
Re: Carnivorous Plant FAQ
by andynorth

I know you're going for a two-fer, add this reques[…]

Order received. Your order number is 1693. I'll PM[…]

Your donor of your last two requests did say those[…]

Hi, so I want a venus flytrap "SD Kronos"[…]

N. Miranda, Correct?

My N. Miranda is really coloring up, and there are[…]

Hi. This is my grow list (nothing special, trust[…]

Wingless fruit flies?

Fruit flies are perfectly fine as long as you k[…]

Flower stalk

The traps were already dying when I got them, so I[…]

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