FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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2219 Topics 
26613 Posts
Re: SnappyPlants store!
by Adrien
(Want) SD Kronos venus flytrap

I have one i could spare, it’s a small siz[…]

Big Ol' Traps!

Oh, very nice! I love when flytraps have that sort[…]

Flower stalk

A heavy pot is a good way to stop plants blowing a[…]

Leaf cutting

Generally it's not a good idea to cut off healthy […]

SnappyPlants store!

Try the FIRST Scientifically blended carnivoro[…]

I know you're going for a two-fer, add this reques[…]

Order received. Your order number is 1693. I'll PM[…]

Your donor of your last two requests did say those[…]

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