FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Sales/Trades Experiences
Post your experience here, good or bad, to help others in future transactions
88 Topics 
345 Posts
Re: Transaction with BumpyEve…
by BumpyEvergreen
Sales, Trades & Wants USA
Post here to sell, trade or list your wants if you live in the US
3163 Topics 
20678 Posts
Re: Cold temperate Pinguicula
by madrone
Sales, Trades & Wants UK & EU
Post here to sell, trade or list your wants if you live in the UK or EU
371 Topics 
1383 Posts
Re: (Want) SD Kronos venus fl…
by ChefDean
Sales, Trades & Wants Other Regions
Post here to sell, trade or list your wants if you live outside the US, UK or EU
221 Topics 
884 Posts
what is a good place to buy v…
by rayhahahaha
Seed Bank
Have excess seed? Share it with other members here.
3424 Topics 
18488 Posts
Kray requests sd-023-044 Bonu…
by Kray
Group Orders
Post here to organize or join a group order
45 Topics 
1966 Posts
Re: BCP group order
by cpgrower126
Freebies, raffles, etc. for plants or growing supplies
392 Topics 
15111 Posts
Re: On this day sign up
by Intheswamp

Survive? Probably long enough for your vacation. R[…]

Thank you Chef.

Order received. Your order number is 1700. I'll PM[…]

Cold temperate Pinguicula

Cold temperate Pings IMO simply don't get enough[…]

Irish peat moss

Look on the ingredients list, if there is nothing […]

We find someone to come water them.

Flower stalk

Or spidermites?

SnappyPlants store!

May we request to know the Scientific Lab name for[…]

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