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By madrone
Posts:  390
Joined:  Sat May 16, 2020 10:44 pm
Anyone have some spare hibernacula or gemmae sprouting on their cold-temperate pinguicula? Looking for anything, except grandiflora and vulgaris.
Last Phal to bloom this spring.

Nice! It would be difficult to include all of the […]

I will send the SASE. Merry Christmas!!!! :D

So, I’ve been thinking about my algae issue.[…]

1. ChefDean - Pants are overrated. @Evenwind, how […]

Merry Christmas Not an entry :D FB_IMG_173498[…]

Request received. Your request number is 1893. I'l[…]

D. Aliciae and D. Binata

Head scratcher because I have never had one. D[…]

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