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Freebies, raffles, etc. for plants or growing supplies

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By ChefDean
Posts:  10125
Joined:  Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:44 am
I have a bunch of plants that need to go to new homes for various reasons, mostly because I don't have room to overwinter them or I don't want to move them when I move next year. Since I got a lot of my plants free or in trades, all these plants are free, you only pay postage of whatever box I can cram them in to. Plan on $10.40 at a minimum for a small, flat rate box. No fancy games, just post a reply, claiming what you want, and shoot me a PM.
Typical capensis - 1 mature portion, two plants
Capensis "Mini Red" - 1 mature plant
Typical intermedia - multiple mature portions
Tropical intermedia - a couple of mature portions
Filiformis var Floridana "Florida Red, White Flower" - multiple portions
Binata No ID - 2 small portions. 1 only forking once, may be typical or "T-Form". The other beginning to show multiple forks, so likely a bigger variety
Binata var multifida - 2 juvenile portions, 1 small portion of flower stalk strikes
Rotundifolia (Kilmore, Isle of Skye, Scotland) - multiple juvenile plants, a few portions available
Mixed rosetted seedlings - 2 portions
Mixed capensis seedlings - 3 portions
P. emarginata x juamavensis - 1 portion, multiple plants
U. calcyfida - 1 portion
U. alpina - 1 portion

U. resupinata - 1 portion (has capillaris volunteers)
U. longifolia - multiple portions
U. nephrophylla - multiple portions
Typical VFT's - multiple portions
Anything else on my grow list that piques your interest, ask. I may have a division of, or I may be able to do a pulling/cutting. Worst I can say is no. Grow list items may not be free, we'll talk.
US address only, all will be shipped bare root with the possible exception of the seedlings.
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By Hedonista
Posts:  283
Joined:  Fri Jan 05, 2024 2:21 pm
Hi Chef!
I would love the:
Emarginata x jaumavensis
U. Calcyfida
U. alpina
Filiformis FL red, white flower
Cape mini red
Tropical intermedia

Sending PM shortly
By JenCooper
Posts:  51
Joined:  Thu May 16, 2024 1:54 pm
I would like these plants thank you! This is my first giveaway so what do I put in the PM and how do I pay you shipping?

1 portion typical capensis
1 portion filiformis var floridana
1 juvenile portion Binata var multifida
2 portions typical vft

Thank you so much for this giveaway!
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By DragonsEye
Posts:  1381
Joined:  Sat Oct 01, 2016 1:22 pm
I’d be happy to take the following off your hands:
Filiformis var Floridana "Florida Red, White Flower"
Binata var multifida
U. nephrophylla
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By ChefDean
Posts:  10125
Joined:  Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:44 am
andynorth wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2024 6:28 pm Do you have any Sarrs you will be parting with?
Take a look at my grow list and see if anything tickles your fancy. I'd say that about half of them will likely have a division I can uproot or a chunk I can break off, but no promises.
andynorth liked this
By 8spidersayear
Posts:  39
Joined:  Tue Jan 16, 2024 7:20 pm
Do you have a leaf cutting of D. binata "Marston Dragon" or a root cutting of D. regia "Big Easy" available?
By bee5pathsgold
Posts:  61
Joined:  Thu May 30, 2024 3:36 pm
Hello, I would love to have these plants.

Tropical intermedia
Filiformis var Floridana "Florida Red, White Flower"
2 Binata No ID
U. longifolia
U. nephrophylla

Thank you very much!

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