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Discuss Drosera, Byblis, and Drosophyllum plant care here

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By Hailey
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The leaves keep going brown then black starting from the tip until the whole leaf is dead. The sprouts have stopped growing and before they unfurl they start to die. I gave it a good top watering to flush out any mineral but it doesn’t seem to help. I top water once a week and I haven’t feed it for a bit since it hasn’t been doing well. I repotted it to check the roots and the are still firm with no sign of rot. To be honest I don’t think it’s going dormant but I’m hoping that it is because I don’t want to lose the plant.
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By Shadowtski
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I've had Drosera regia die back to nothing above the soil in both Fall/Winter and Summer.
I think it's a dormancy response. ( I'll admit it, I don't fully understand Regias and what they really want. )
I had a hitchhiker Regia die back to black a few weeks ago.
I kept top watering it every few days.
This morning I saw a fresh new green growing point next to the old one.
I'm cautiously optimistic about it.
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By Huntsmanshorn
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Hailey wrote: Sun Aug 11, 2024 6:43 pm The leaves keep going brown then black starting from the tip until the whole leaf is dead. The sprouts have stopped growing and before they unfurl they start to die. I gave it a good top watering to flush out any mineral but it doesn’t seem to help. I top water once a week and I haven’t feed it for a bit since it hasn’t been doing well. I repotted it to check the roots and the are still firm with no sign of rot. To be honest I don’t think it’s going dormant but I’m hoping that it is because I don’t want to lose the plant.
What are your daytime/nighttime temps like?
By Hailey
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The daytime temps are 20-24c and the nighttime temps are 15-18c. I just recently started to drop the temps at night because when I first got it I kept my apartment around the same temps all the time but one day it got really hot and I noticed it got heat stressed. I also just noticed today that when the humidity also get too high it starts to brown faster. I adjusted the lighting to bright filtered light and it seems to be stable for now. The newest sprout is still green thank god and it look like it’s unfurled a tiny bit more.
By Huntsmanshorn
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Shadowtski wrote: Mon Aug 12, 2024 2:56 pm Here is a photo of the plant I mentioned in my previous reply.
It's a hitchhiker that appeared in my Drosophyllum pot.
Wait, are you saying you bought a Droso and wound up with a free regia? If so, may I as where you purchased your Drosophyllum from?
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By Shadowtski
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I had some Drosophyllum in a 10 inch pot outdoors.
I had some Drosera regia growing on a higher shelf, above it.
It looks like an errant regia seed fell into that pot and sprouted.
It's always a nice surprise to see Drosera regia coming up in a place where you never planted it.
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By Hailey
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nimbulan wrote: Mon Aug 12, 2024 4:13 am How much light is that plant receiving? It looks like it could use more to me, might be part of the reason why it's looking so bad.
It’s getting 14 hours of light a day. I have a spider farmer sf1000 dimmed down a bit. The plant was on the top shelf,
but when it got heat stressed I lowered it down a shelf in my greenhouse tent. I just put it back on the top in the full light tonight because I noticed the sprout is reaching for the light.
By Hailey
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Huntsmanshorn wrote: Mon Aug 12, 2024 3:10 am Well, those are pretty good temps. How long have you had it? If it's new, it may just need a while to adjust.
I got it at the beginning of summer
By Hailey
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Here is what is looks like tonight. It’s really want light now.
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By andynorth
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It is amazing how water that starts out at zero TDS can be be raised just by its surroundings. I checked a few of my germinating trays that I use nothing but zero TDS in and they had somehow jumped to between 30 and 80 TDS. I tested all my trays and any that were above 30 got a thorough top watering until they were close to zero.
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