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By lucid
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I have been growing my venus fly trap on the left which I got from walmart for $6.97 and the one on the right for $25 online. However the one on the left (Walmart) was growing a new trap every 3 days its slowed down and the traps arent shutting as fast when i tried to feed one today anyone know why? Also the one on the right i cut a bunch of black ones off will it recover and if so what happend to it? It did take 10 days to arrive.
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By optique
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the one from walmart has most likely not seen the sun in a long time and lacks the energy to move. The old growth my never move but it given proper lighting new growth be OK.
By lucid
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It sits in my room and its been growing really well i put it in bright direct shblight yesterday for 15 hours and today for like 5
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By optique
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I suggest acclimating it to out door full sun over like 2 weeks. Moving them around will lead to issues and the plants life cycle is controlled by photo period. I see you a new to the forums my best advice is put it outside in full sun and water it when needed nothing else accept re potting like every other year. If you live up north protect it in the winter, put it in a unheated building or room after it starts freezing in the day time. If you choose to keep it inside you will need some type of powerful lighting the sun is not cheap to replicate.


Here is a link to my 1st flytrap after years of proper care outside. Most people who try to grow inside do not have the best of luck.
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By lucid
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Okay i have been moving it from i side and outside a lot and ik it needs sunlight to get energy i have been feeding like 4 traps within like 3 days every week so idk if thats why its slow bc when I first got it the leaves were so thin and long with traps now mine are huge leaves and wide with BIG traps and when i first got it it was growing slowly but when i put it in my room bc my window is south facing it grew like 3 new traps every week. Can you tell me why the leaves are so wide on it
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By optique
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Its trying to get more light/energy with the wider leaf. Notice the older growth is more red and less wide that growth was when it was getting proper lighting at the farm. Also feeding takes a lot of energy but is a must for new growers i know, but if its light starved it will make things a lot worse.
By lucid
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Yea i fed two more today one closed pretty slow but one other one like barely would close and i dont even think its digesting should i hold off of feeding it for like 2 weeks?
By lucid
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Ive watched all those vids i just want someone to explain if its not healthy why are the traps so much bigger
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By optique
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lucid wrote:i just want someone to explain if its not healthy why are the traps so much bigger
Its light starved and that issues is being compounded by feeding.

@Panman, tag your it =)
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By ChefDean
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lucid wrote: Fri Aug 09, 2024 2:44 am Ive watched all those vids i just want someone to explain if its not healthy why are the traps so much bigger
The size of the traps are not an indicator of health, it just that specific plants genetic expression. That's like saying that tall people are healthier because they're bigger. Not true.
As stated previously, the wider leaves are an indication that the plant isn't getting enough light. VFT's need direct, unfiltered sunlight and a stable environment, neither of which you are providing bright now. Modern glass filters sunlight so that a sunny windowsill is worthless. These are not houseplants. The plant will derive more benefit outside on a cloudy day than it will on the sunniest windowsill you can find.
Where you're moving it in and out is very bad for the plant. It needs a singular environment to adapt to because moving it causes stress. By moving it, you're forcing it to constantly try to adapt back and forth, expending energy, stopping its growth.
If you want to give your plant its best chance at life, put it outside in direct sunlight and keep the media moist. Read that last sentence again. Now I'll repeat it. If you want to give your plant its best chance at life, put it outside in direct sunlight and keep the media moist. Don't feed it, let it catch its own food.
These plants are very easy to take care of If you meet their basic needs. Once a person begins to think they're smarter than the plant is when the plant starts to decline, the person panics, tries to find information on how to help, then questions everything that is suggested to them. Don't be that guy, because you'll end up getting mad at the people trying to help, and they'll stop trying.
In case you missed it previously, these are not houseplants. If you want to give your plant its best chance at life, put it outside in direct sunlight and keep the media moist. It will decline some more, but the new growth will be vibrant and healthy.
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By lucid
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I know man I worry about bugs attacking the plant or when we get like very very very harsh rain which can overwater it bc ive killed about 5 of the walmart ones from over watering so ive layed back on that and when i put it on my windowsill it was growing like crazy the first 3 weeks and than when i took it out it started slowing the growth of the traps but yea the sun is the problem i think it looks cool with the bigger leaf just not as healthy as i would want it to be sorry for bothering you guys :/
By lucid
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Also its august now and we really only have like 1 more month before the weather starts to dip im in new york and winters can be really harsh my dad said just leave it on a windowsill in the winter bc the windows in my room get very cold draft while still getting sunlight and like ive seen they dont even need to be in cold to go dormant so it will be fine right?
By lucid
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I have also noticed that ik its not good that they are starved for light but they look so vibrant they look healthy i know i know they arent they just look so good lol each one that grows a biggger and widder leaf does that mean when they get a ton of sun they will get way more energy than if they had skinny red leaves

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