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By sawyer
Posts:  25
Joined:  Sun Apr 03, 2022 12:32 am
Is there a limit to seed orders, and do seeds cost money?
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By optique
Posts:  2043
Joined:  Fri May 24, 2019 11:15 pm
you request a seed and bonus once a month they will give u a address you mail a stamped return envelope for him to put your seeds in. its free but some seeds are more rare and have a member time limit on them, like u may need to be a member for 3 months for rare stuff

read over this post
flytrapcare-community-seedbank-inventor ... 33352.html

and this a link to someone else's request to see how they requested and what was repleyed you will also get a PM in the mail
x1755-panman-requests-sd-023-007-d-auri ... 60584.html

also noticed your location here is the rules for none US

Procedure - International
1) Start a new thread in this forum (example: ChefDean requests D. Capensis "typical") and post it here. Indicate that this is an International request.
2) Seedbank Manager will respond to your request with an request number, and send you a PM with instructions to send postage. Do not mail a SASE. He will then remove your requested seeds from inventory.
3)Once postage has been sent, you respond to the PM indicating postage has been sent and include your exact mailing address.
4)After confirmation of postage paid and address received, the Seedbank Manager will put your seeds together, mail them, and post on the request thread that they've been sent.
5)When you receive the seeds, post that on the request thread, thread is now closed.
Last edited by optique on Thu Aug 08, 2024 8:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Panman
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No, it depends on your eligibility and what you want. Read the threads in the Seedbank forum it has all of the details.
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By sawyer
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Joined:  Sun Apr 03, 2022 12:32 am
I read it, so I can request a seed from the bank once a month, but I can add a bonus seed from the monthly bonuses if I want. Is that correct?
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By andynorth
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Is Fiji considered International? If so you would need to follow those rules:

International requests can be made once every three calendar months, but you can request up to three pack of seeds that you are eligible for. This is due to many factors that the requester assumes all responsibility for.

Higher cost ($2 US for a letter sized piece), longer time in transit, poor handling en route, it might get stopped at a border, wrong address given, it might just simply be lost/disappear, etc.
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By Shadowtski
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sawyer wrote: Thu Aug 08, 2024 8:35 pm Is there a limit to seed orders, and do seeds cost money?
Yes there is a limit; Seeds are divided into tier 0, tier 1, tier 2, and tier 3.
You are limited to tier 0 and tier 1.
After you've been a member for a while, you can order from the higher classes.
You can usually order three packets at a time, and you can order once every 3 months. (Except when the seed bank offers a bonus or choice of bonuses.)
Note that there are different rules for US and International requests, your location identifies as Fiji so you would follow the rules for International requests.
Here is the link to the seedbank inventory and rules: flytrapcare-community-seedbank-inventor ... 33352.html

There is no cost for the seeds.
But you do have to pay for postage for International orders or send in an Self Addressed Stamped Envelope for US orders.

The philosophy is that this forum is a community.
We donate our extra seeds to the seedbank and hope that members who benefit from the seedbank will donate some of their future seeds to keep the cycle going.

Good growing,
ChefDean, evenwind, cpgrower126 and 1 others liked this
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By sawyer
Posts:  25
Joined:  Sun Apr 03, 2022 12:32 am
thank you for the response, I won't actually be ordering internationally, they will be shipped to the US. I Think I understand how it works now.
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