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By ChefDean
Posts:  9813
Joined:  Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:44 am
Just got a donation in for what may be the first of this genus for the seed bank. A conservative estimate is only a few portions, and they've been reported to have a brief shelf life like Nepenthes, but I don't think they'll hang around long.
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By wcrosman
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Ok teaser. What are they? Lol
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By ChefDean
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Oh, did I fail to mention what they were? I guess we'll be OK waiting for a few days until the first of the month.
I will share that they do not need stratification, either warm or cold.
Aquis31, wcrosman liked this
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By ChefDean
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Well, I've only been here five and a half years, so it's possible I missed something previously. Slightly possible.

Edit: Looking back, searching keywords, I can find numerous ISO posts for this genus, but no previous availability from the seed bank.
Now, I'm a Chef, not a computer guy, so it's still possible I missed something. Slightly possible.
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By ChefDean
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Talking to many other members with way more experience than me, I've made a decision based on their suggestions. These seeds will still have the donors only restriction, but will also have a second restriction of experienced growers only. Experienced growers are typically those eligible for Tier 3.
Put these two together, and only donors that have Tier 3 eligibility without the traditional donor loophole will be eligible to request for the first 48 hours, then all eligible members after that.
This is mainly due to the scarcity of these seeds being available, as well as the highland temps, bright light, and high humidity that are typically needed to grow many in this genus. They can tolerate conditions outside of their optimal pretty well when mature, but the seeds are less forgiving.
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By NightRaider
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ChefDean wrote:highland temps, bright light, and high humidity
I'm picking up what you're putting down, little surprised these have never been in the seed bank before though. If I'd known I could've been forever canonized in the Flytrapcare seed bank history books I would've made more of an effort to pollinate my REDACTED that flowered last year.
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By Intheswamp
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"Highland" sounds intriguing, but not really something I want to struggle, cuss with, throw things at, have hissy-fits over, squawl like a youngun over, etc., trying to grow it in muggy south Alabama. Oh well, I know my limitations (somewhat :mrgreen: ). Besides...I'm not experienced at such shenanigans as that!!! So, I will. with grace and style sashay my south Alabama hiney out of the holding pattern for a surgically performed request!!! :mrgreen:
andynorth liked this

They arrived! thank you! :D

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