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Tips? All of my attempts have been a complete and utter failure.

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 2:16 pm
by Drummer230
Hey there,

I’ve tried TCing a few different cultivars of VFTs. So far I’ve used Matt’s technique of alcohol, h202, and bleach, and I’ve tried a technique I’ve seen on YouTube where I use bleach only (I soaked for 4 minutes). I’ve tried about 30 times now, and not a single one has taken. I’m using new unfolding leaves. I cut the leave off close to the rhizome, sterilize, cut off the ends that may have absorbed bleach, and then put in my jars. I haven’t had contamination issues. Rather, each one sits in the jar until it just turns black and dies. I’ve been careful to burn off alcohol and wash off bleach. What is happening?!? Thanks In advance!

Re: Tips? All of my attempts have been a complete and utter failure.

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 3:49 pm
by Matt
If all of the tissue is dying but you're not getting any contamination, it sounds like you're going too aggressively on the sterilizing. Try shortening the time of exposure until you get contamination and the tissue doesn't die. Another variable to consider is the size of the piece of tissue. It should be large enough to get clean without killing it but not so big that it is impossible to get clean. Good luck!