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Sand: Mesh Size and Usefulness? Or Milled Sphagnum?

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 10:05 pm
by Slowbomb
I am going to be planting some drosera seeds soon and was wondering if I needed silica sand? The cheapest option I have is 18.00 including shipping for 6 pounds because there is not a single place within an 1.5 hours of me that sells it. This is the product,

I called and they didn't give me a "grit" size but rather a mesh size, 490, does anybody know what that means?

Could I use perilite and some washed regular sand from the local nursery and get away with it? Or would they not sow as well?

Also, I have milled sphagnum moss, could I use that instead by itself to germinate drosera?


Re: Sand: Mesh Size and Usefulness? Or Milled Sphagnum?

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 10:33 pm
by jamez
You can use perlite. It's JUST as good as silica. You can use the milled sphagnum moss with now problem. You don't need silica sand. Perlite is a bit easier to find, but they are both easily found publicly.

Re: Sand: Mesh Size and Usefulness? Or Milled Sphagnum?

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 4:11 pm
by Slowbomb
Thanks jamez, I am going to put them down today on a washed peat and perlite 50/50 ish mix.