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Moderator: Matt

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I'm not sure if the bonus is in addition to the request, as a newby here.
I am starting fresh with a giant glass bowl terrarium indoors, smaller species preferably. My plan is Cephalotus, Drosera, and Utricularia. I am open to suggestion. I really wanted the Ultramafica x Spatulata. Let me know what you think?
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By andynorth
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ChefDean (Seed bank Manager) is out until next week so you might not get much of a response. Generally you want to let him know who you are, (feel free to browse others posts) which seed packet you are requesting, the bonus and which add on you would like for a possible total of 3 packs of seeds. However, double check with ChefDean as to which bonus you are eligible for.
You might want to post your other questions in a different part of the forum as not many people monitor the Seed Bank thread except for those questions. Welcome again!
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By Panman
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I don't know that D. Ultramafica x Spatulata counts for the bonus, but you can make that your main request and chose a different bonus, maybe another spatulata.

The sundew and utricularia would probably be fine in a terrarium but cephs are very sensitive to being water logged. They like well drained soil and I'd be afraid that they would rot in a terrarium.
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By Panman
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Perhaps someone could correct me if I am wrong, but the omissa x puchella is a pygmy sundew, and they do not like to be transplanted.
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By Hedonista
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Panman wrote: Mon Dec 09, 2024 2:20 pm Perhaps someone could correct me if I am wrong, but the omissa x puchella is a pygmy sundew, and they do not like to be transplanted.
Ohh, I didn’t know that! Makes sense why you were looking for potted scorpioides or gemmae only. If the media were kept as intact around the roots as possible like a plug and just inserted into a mini bog, would it have a chance at survival?
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By Panman
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It has a better chance. The challenge is that they tend to have a very long tap root that is extremely thin. As thin as a piece of hair. Any sort of disturbance will snap the root and the plant will not recover.
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I found them. This was nerve racking. These are tiny tiny roots. I went super gentle and slow. Look how long they are compared to the little plant!
IMG_3490.jpeg (1.65 MiB) Viewed 475 times
IMG_3492.jpeg (1.94 MiB) Viewed 475 times
IMG_3491.jpeg (1.67 MiB) Viewed 475 times
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By ChefDean
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I got you. We'll make ultra x spat the request, and I'll get you a nice spat as a bonus.

Request received.
Your request number is 1884.
I'll PM you shortly with a mailing address for your SASE.
Thank you for your request.

Reminder to all:
Please remember to write your Forum username and request number somewhere on the envelope or in a note.
I don't have access to a cross reference of real-world names linked to usernames.
Remembering these things helps me fill requests quicker.
Thank you.

Happy growing,
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By ChefDean
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This request is at or past the two week point. If confirmation of the SASE being sent isn't made within the next couple of days, the request could be canceled and the seeds returned to inventory.
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