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Discussions about anything related to Venus Flytraps, cultivars and named clones

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By Hedonista
Posts:  474
Joined:  Fri Jan 05, 2024 2:21 pm
wcrosman wrote: Sun Dec 01, 2024 11:43 pm My Tuya smart plugs along with the free Smart Life app allow me to set the plug to turn on automatically at sunrise and off at sunset.
Is there a way to get it to automatically turn on/off at sunrise/sunset for a location other than your own?
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By wcrosman
Posts:  696
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You can set your location for the app when setting up your account. It will be the same location for all the smart devices.
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By Hedonista
Posts:  474
Joined:  Fri Jan 05, 2024 2:21 pm
Fair enough. Not quite the way I was hoping to do it, since it can’t change after registering and all the devices have to be set to the same location.
By schmeg
Posts:  371
Joined:  Tue Jun 05, 2018 8:07 pm
Just to pile on another example: I use a "vintage" timer with little lift buttons around a dial to set ON and OFF times. My VFTs are in a cool Wisconsin basement. I also have the lights a little farther away during the darkest weeks of dormancy, and gradually move lights closer in the spring.

I am of course checking the plants' moisture at least weekly, and adjust the dial as needed then. My very first year of dormancy I had a totally automatic dawn/dusk set-up and kept forgetting to check on them, with disastrous results.
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By Greenleaf_999
Posts:  187
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schmeg wrote:Just to pile on another example: I use a "vintage" timer with little lift buttons around a dial to set ON and OFF times. My VFTs are in a cool Wisconsin basement. I also have the lights a little farther away during the darkest weeks of dormancy, and gradually move lights closer in the spring.

I am of course checking the plants' moisture at least weekly, and adjust the dial as needed then. My very first year of dormancy I had a totally automatic dawn/dusk set-up and kept forgetting to check on them, with disastrous results.
lol, mine is just a basic GE non grounded plug timer, I had plugged an outlet splitter into it so that I can add fans, or even more lights if needed, but I had changed that eventually, because the 36 watt sansi bulb is probably the brightest light that I will ever need. My plants are still alive, I will update in the spring if they pull through. They do seem fine right now though.

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