FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Say hello and tell everyone a bit about yourself.

Moderator: Matt

By DawnOfVictory
Posts:  20
Joined:  Sat Nov 09, 2024 10:30 am
Hello, my name is Aram, I live in Uppsala and I'm a Chef.

Since I was a kid I've been in love with Carnivorous plant and Orchids. I just started growing some of them and I want to learn how to properly take care of them.

Thank you.
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By wcrosman
Posts:  664
Joined:  Thu Apr 14, 2022 2:03 am
ISO Nepenthes Seeds

I'm looking to try my hand at growing some Nepenth[…]

Sick Cobra Lily?

I think I may have discovered what my original iss[…]

SASE received. Request is fulfilled. Return envelo[…]

SASE received. Request is fulfilled. Return envelo[…]

SASE received. Request is fulfilled. Return envelo[…]

SASE received. Request is fulfilled. Return envelo[…]

Postage received, address received. Request is ful[…]

Blast from the past

I’ve just started reading novels on my pho[…]

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