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By Jade
Posts:  378
Joined:  Mon Feb 05, 2024 6:57 pm
So Ohio has had some crappy weather this year even for us. It’s been a lot of hot weather with either blazing sun (sometimes dry, sometimes really humid) or a lot of rain and both states either last long enough to keep my media too wet or dry it out in a couple hours sometimes. Right now it’s too wet.

Anyhow I got a bunch of new VFTs recently and I thought I was imagining it or it was some kind of shock response from repotting, or I somehow still could have waited a bit to acclimate them, but all the new ones are doing this and all my old Lowe’s ones are fine. I found a thread about this, but I’m not sure if they’re speculating here - ... ml#p414173 or the answer is that it’s just if any of the conditions I mentioned last long enough. Is there anything I should be doing differently here?

New Cultivars -
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Older Typicals -
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Also kind of curious about the response of typical vs cultivars. Even though the repotting *just* happened for the cultivars I don’t think it has to do with that necessarily? Not sure.
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By LazyDaisy
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My guess is they are stressed and just need to get used to their new conditions. How recently did you get them? Were they shipped to you?
By Jade
Posts:  378
Joined:  Mon Feb 05, 2024 6:57 pm
I got them July 18th. Yes they were shipped. I haven’t had stress do this yet.

Did you read the thread I linked? It seems like it’s all speculative, but I wonder if anyone would think it might be true about the weather or the shock. They were acclimating well, keeping the beautiful traps already on them, and putting out normal traps except the Clumping cultivar. I don’t know what to think.
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By ChefDean
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They look fine, they're just dealing with the stress of being uprooted, shipped, then manhandled again into new pots. They'll come around, two weeks isn't typically enough time.
As to the thread you linked, you need to see the entire picture. That member was talking about his experience in central Florida, a vastly different environment than north central Ohio. In situ, VFT's do regularly experience the temps he is talking about, but not for the extent they'll get in Florida. So his will look ratty until conditions get closer to their evolutionary optimum. Plus, his specific husbandry will be different, so you can't expect the same results.
You just need to meet the basic needs of these plants, and they'll be fine. Don't worry about what the Joneses are doing with theirs, take Google with a grain of salt, and take a breath.
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By Jade
Posts:  378
Joined:  Mon Feb 05, 2024 6:57 pm
Thanks very much. :D

I didn’t really think about the difference in ecosystems and weather, but that makes sense. I wasn’t sure because the tomatoes grew weird too this year and I think that was after my typicals had been growing normally, so at the time I just assumed that the weather was happy for VFTs. But they have a TON of green tomatoes and the foliage is extraordinarily tall, and they don’t tend to grow that way either.

But stress makes sense. I think everyone on that thread were in different areas, but I believe the two without the sunburned plants were Louisiana and Florida which if they’re in certain parts would have a lot closer weather patterns than Ohio.

I just wanted to be absolutely sure I hadn’t missed an important step somewhere. And yeah I think the turnover for my shock tends to be roughly a month or a little longer, so I wasn’t completely discounting it. I’m psyched to have gotten some stunning cultivars (CCCP Orca is my current new favorite that I didn’t know existed before I bought it), and I didn’t want to lose them potentially due to something minor I didn’t know or might have overlooked.

Also google used to be a lot better I feel like. Most of the time looking for anything carnie related just brings me to a very old thread here anyhow. Which is fine, but it’s been exceedingly difficult to go by the rule of three (if you find the same answer in 3 places that seem to know what they’re talking about use that answer). It was a generally good rule before it changed so much. :roll:
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By optique
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About 3 years ago i kept having late frost into spring. Going form 80's to freezing. My flytraps looked almost deformed.
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