FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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By MaxVft
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Hello all,
There was this old dead thread here on the FTC forums that had the same title as this thread,which was made to revive it.If you want to know how this works,then I suggest you visit the original thread,located here:
Technically,what a user does is give a hint or a few on a species of CP. You can comment 1 guess,and the user will comment if it is right or wrong.You can then guess again.The winner gets a free prize(E.G some CP seeds,a VFT cutting,or whatever the user has in hand).The cycle then starts again,with the winner giving out hints.
I will go first.Here are the hints:
1. it is named after a TV broadcaster
2. it is native to the phillipines
Anyone wish to play?
Nobody HAS to give a prize,as @ChefDean stated.It's all about the fun!
Last edited by MaxVft on Tue Jun 08, 2021 4:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By albertoburrito
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I think I’ve got it, but I don’t have anything to give.
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By MaxVft
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albertoburrito wrote: Sun Jun 06, 2021 8:11 pm I think I’ve got it, but I don’t have anything to give.
That's ok Alberto,if you are correct I will send a prize,but instead you can just pick someone else to be the host.
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By MaxVft
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optique wrote: Sun Jun 06, 2021 8:03 pm Bill Bailey is not a species =p
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By albertoburrito
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Nepenthes Attenboroughii? Sorry if I spell it wrong lol
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By MaxVft
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albertoburrito wrote: Sun Jun 06, 2021 9:08 pm Nepenthes Attenboroughii? Sorry if I spell it wrong lol
That is correct!PM me your mailing address for prize and pick a new host!
I will be sending some drosera capillaris "Emerald's Envy"seeds.They do not require stratification,and you can find a tutorial on how to grow them at
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By albertoburrito
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ChefDean, you are the new host! Let’s see what you got! :D
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By MaxVft
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albertoburrito wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 12:00 am ChefDean, you are the new host! Let’s see what you got! :D
Good choice!This'll be hard,but worth it considering the amount of CPs the ol' Chef has :mrgreen:
It's also obvious he's been patrolling this thread,putting likes on most of my posts lmao
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By ChefDean
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Multiple species of this "plant" developed carnivory initially to protect against parasites. Some have developed snares that trap microorganisms, others have developed cells like jellyfish that inject a paralyzing agent upon contact. They then secrete digestive enzymes to consume their prey, often while still alive, from the inside out.
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By albertoburrito
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This one is hard lol. What do you mean by the quotes? :lol:
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By MaxVft
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Ok,I will guess it is a part of the family of parasitic plants?
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By CPhunter101
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I was thinking about this mystery species and researching genlisea when I came across arthrobotrys oligospora.
It's a fungus (not a plant), but it matches your description. It feeds on nematodes so it's technically carnivorous.
Here's the Wiki page... It's quite an interesting little organism.
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By ChefDean
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albertoburrito wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:58 am This one is hard lol. What do you mean by the quotes? :lol:
The quotes mean that these species grow like a plant, with root like structures that bring in nutrients and water. The purpose of the carnivory has changed to include the absorption of nitrogen from their prey, as they grow in nitrogen poor places.
CPhunter101 wrote:It's a fungus (not a plant), but it matches your description. It feeds on nematodes so it's technically carnivorous.
You're on the right track.
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