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portable greenhouse oven

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 3:57 am
by mitch
hi cp fans,

iv got a mini/portable grenhouse and it gets 5 hours of morning sun and the tempreture goes up to 45 degreese c,
will this burn my seeds when there laying on the dirt or when they sprout will that kind of heat cook them.


Re: portable greenhouse oven

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 4:11 pm
by Veronis
They'll probably get cooked. Tropical plants will be more prone to make it, but 110+ degrees F isn't good for any seedlings. Temperate plant seedlings will just get cooked. At that temp I'm not even sure if seeds would germinate, to be honest, but I've never tried it that hot.

You may want to keep both ends of the greenhouse partially open and add a fan to create a cross-breeze; that'll reduce some of the heat, but I don't know how much. The humidity will be less, but drosera and Sarrs don't need incredibly high humidity - they need lots of light. My drosera are usually around 35% humidity and dew up like crazy because it's photosynthesis that creates the dew.

Work on that temp. 30-32 degrees C at max should be your goal.