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Outdoor bog dormancy

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 1:21 pm
by tracieh
I am way overthinking dormancy. I have successfully overwintered plants bringing them into an unheated room, however at the beginning of spring I built bogs in Rubbermaid containers that are not moveable.
My plan is to cut back the pitchers, cover with burlap and then mulch pine needles on top of the burlap. I am feeling confident with this. My concern is when it drops below 30 at night but 80 during the day (I'm in pa it's not totally out of the question.) Can I put a blanket on the soil if it's getting too cold at night but still nice during the day? Or once it cools down it's all over? If it's too hot will it mold under the burlap?

Also does d. Filiformis go dormant? A few showed up in the bogs and I don't know if they need removed.

Sorry for so many questions!! I feel like an extreme noob all over again hahahaImage

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Re: Outdoor bog dormancy

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 2:14 pm
by Panman
The first dormancy with a new set up is always nerve racking. Easy question first, filiformis do form winter buds, so they can stay in place. As far as your containers go, If you can move them at all, I would circle the wagons, as it were. Move them tight against one another to limit the surface area that is exposed to the wind. I would also stuff the empty spaces around the totes with straw or leaves to provide more insulation. If you can move them into a shaded spot for the winter against a north wall, that will help with regulating temperatures. Covering them with pine needles and burlap should work fine. You will want to peek under it every now and then to make sure nothing unfortunate is going on. With that insulation on top, you will be pretty well protected from temperature swings. The key is to keep the soil from freezing and thawing every day.