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On the search for these Pinguicula Species

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 4:38 am
by Jonathan_
Hi everyone,

I have been looking for 3 specific plant seeds in particular in the Pinguicula family that I can not seem to find anywhere. Everywere I look they are either Gulf Coast or some other part of the world species. I want to do things legally here and was wondering if anyone had any ideas of Universities or Study centres I could contact in America where I could ask about obtaining seed?

The species I am looking for are.

P.pumila {North Carolina}
P.lutea {North Carolina}
P.caerulea {North Carolina}

Best Regards,

Re: On the search for these Pinguicula Species

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 3:11 pm
by KategoricalKarnivore
Any particular reason you only want ones from NC locations? Those species are pretty much the same across all locations they grow. There’s not really any difference between ones growing in my ditch here in Texas compared to ones growing in NC.